Students are able to earn multiple concentrations, each of which will be officially recognized on the graduate's transcript unless opted out.
250 units needed (300 available)
Autumn Quarter
FINM 31200 - Blockchain and Cryptoassets for Finance (50 units)
Winter Quarter
FINM 32600 - Computing for Finance in C++ (100 units)
FINM 32900 - Data Science Tools for Finance (100 units)
Spring Quarter
FINM 32700 - Advanced Computing for Finance (100 units)
Summer Quarter
FINM 32950 - Introduction to HPC in Finance (50 units)
300 units needed (300 available)
Autumn Quarter
FINM 33165 - Generative Models (100 units)
FINM 34800 - Modern Applied Optimization (100 units)
Winter Quarter
FINM 33160 - Machine Learning for Finance (100 units)
250 units needed (250 available)
Winter Quarter
FINM 34500 - Stochastic Calculus (100 units)
FINM 37500 - Fixed Income Derivatives (50 units)
Spring Quarter
FINM 32000 - Options: Numerical Methods (100 units)
250 units needed (300 available)
Autumn Quarter
FINM 35000 - Topics in Economics (100 units)
FINM 35910 - Applied Algorithmic Trading (50 units)
FINM 37601 - Mathematical Market Microstructure: An Optimization Approach (50 units)
Winter Quarter
FINM 33150 - Quantitative Trading Strategy (100 units)
FINM 37400 - Fixed Income (50 units)
Spring Quarter
FINM 35700 - Credit Markets (50 units)
FINM 35900 - Macro Finance (50 units)
FINM 36702 - Portfolio Credit Risk: Modeling and Estimation (50 units)
FINM 37301 - Foreign Exchange: Markets, Products, and Pricing (50 units)
In the quarter of the student's graduation, the program will inform the student of the concentrations earned. It will be at this time that the student will confirm their intent to have the concentration awarded.
The concentration requirements listed above apply to students graduating in Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn Quarter 2024.